The campaign for

River Access for All

What can I do

Thanks for asking.

The campaign for recognition of public rights of navigation can only be effective if paddlers do something about it.

So which of the following can you do?

River Access For All

River Access For All

Register as a supporter

This campaign can do nothing without support.

So please register as a supporter here

This will show those with the power to change things that there is widespread demand for them to take action.

Once we know who and where our supporters are we can start to target action on a local basis.

Share your knowledge on the access map

The access map has been created to spread information on a river by river basis.

Without widespread input from those with local knowledge it can never hope to achieve its potential.

Do you know anything that would strengthen the evidence for a public right of navigation? Have you got knowledge of local incidents? Even if you and others can generally paddle without problems of any sort that is valuable knowledge so tell us on The Access Map. The Access Map.

River Access For All

River Access For All

Enjoy the rivers responsibly but assertively

Those that oppose the Public Right of Navigation often do so on the basis that it will interfere with their enjoyment of the river.

We don't want to do that - we just want to share it.

So enjoy the rivers considerately, taking care to minimised any disturbance to other river users and wild life.

The more you know about the evidence for a public right of navigation, the more able you are to present the case to others.

So find out about the situation locally.

Where you are satisfied that there is compelling evidence of a public right of navigation, enjoy the rivers and if challenged explain politely why you believe there is a PRN.

Write to your MP

Parliament has the ability to provide total clarity over navigation rights by passing legislation.

Legislation similar to the Land Reform Act (Scotland) 2003.

In the current political climate it gives them the opportunity to do something constructive without committing to major expenditure.

Does your MP know the issues?

He/she probably won't unless someone tells him/her.

That could be you.

It's as simple as an email. Advice on how to do it is here.

River Access For All

River Access For All

Write to your local papers

Does your local newspaper or TV station understand the issues?

They need to, particularly if there are local issues.

Over time we will develop material that will help you inform local media and enrol their support in the campaign.